Saturday, November 7

day date!

The semester has been pretty crazy lately and we have all been very busy so Lauren and I were in some desperate need of a "day date" together!

We both slept in till 9:00 this morning then had some coffee and set out for our date. Something that has kind of become a regular routine for Lauren and I is running together. We have both recently really gotten into running and it is always much more fun when you have a partner to run with! We ran about five miles this morning around the mountain. The weather could not have been any better- 65 degrees and sunny; A perfect fall day! After our run we went and got lattes at Starbucks then went to where we call "our hidden bluff", which is really just an overlook on the back of the mountain that is somewhat covered up with trees so nobody really knows it exist, except us! : ) The bluff has the most gorgeous view, looking down over the city of Chattanooga, and it is a very peaceful place to go. Lauren and I took our lattes there and sat and read a chapter of Captivating, a book the two of us have both read individually but are now re-reading together! We then returned back home for lunch. It was so nice to make intentional time to spend together. We had a great day date!

After returning home and having lunch I sat down to have my quiet time that I missed this morning. I decided to read from the book of Ecclesiastes. I have read that book several times, but for some reason this time reading it, God really spoke to me through Solomon's life and through his words.

Solomon, one person in the Bible who had everything-wisdom, power, riches, honor, reputation, God's favor, basically comes out and very bluntly says that ultimately the world and all that it has to offer is nothing but emptiness and utterly meaningless. Solomon talks about his search for satisfaction almost as if he is conducting a science experiment, and all he truly finds is the deep realization that "everything is meaningless" except for our commitment to God, which is the only reason for living. Solomon says, "I denied myself nothing my eyes desired; I refused my heart no pleasure. My heart took delight in all my work, and this was the reward for all my labor. Yet when I surveyed all that my hands had done and what I toiled to achieve, everything was meaningless, a chasing after the wind; nothing was gained under the sun." (2:10-11) For some reason, today, I felt great comfort and encouragement from Solomon's words.

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